Saturday, December 13, 2008

Inspirational Quote of the Day...

Part of the Writer's Gift Erica got me for Christmas a few years ago was a small book with 300+ inspirational and motivational quotes and stories to help writers get over their writer's block. I figured I would seek my first quote out of the book before I started this up again. I turned to a random page and pulled one out. I'll post a few from time to time throughout this process.

Here is Today's...

The short story is intended to be received in one sitting: the reader's, not the writers.

How appropriate...irony at it's best...

Day 1 - The ReBegining

I'll have alot of time on my hands today. I had a great talk with a friend last night about all the good ol times and it got the fire kicked back up to start my writing project again. I wrote a short story in college. We had to write and Ending to a story. The class loved my entry, and having wrote just the ending down on paper, I had the rest of the story floating around in my head. So I decided after my Script Writing class, that I would write the rest of it in script form. I got fairly deep into it in that manner, but had put it down and never picked it back up. It's been about 12 or 13 years since I've last put pen to paper about those characters. And since then, they've been making appearances in my head, living out their story. You always hear that cliché about a story or characters wanting to get out of the writer's head. Well, that's exactly what's going on. A few years ago, I was talking of starting it up again, and my wife, Erica, bought me a writing set for Christmas. A journal, dictionary, thesaurus, notebooks, pens, and a leather bound wide file-like bin to keep it all in. Time to go dig that out. I don't think I'll continue down the script format. I think thing thing needs out in story form first. Without even LOOKING at that script, I know of 3 major rewrites I want to do from the word GO. So...gonna make sure the coffee is brewed, the heat is on, fire up my Zune and have at it...

thanks Kel...